All of us like pictures of family and friends, whether we take the pictures or the pictures are sent to us. We are going to talk about how we organize, catalog, edit, and store our pictures at this month’s Mini’app’les meeting (Tuesday, May 19th, the third Tuesday of the month, at the Hackfactory 3119 E. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406). Several people have volunteered to talk about how they handle pictures. If you use an app or apps to help you catalog and/or edit your photos, we hope you will share your workflow with the group.
And I have no doubt we will have some new Apple Watch users who can share their experiences of using their new devices.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Meeting Notes & Links
- The Feature Thief: Apple taketh away, sometimes giveth back
- The Feature Thief, part one: Pages
- The Feature Thief, part two: Final Cut Pro, iMovie, iDVD
- The Feature Thief, part three: iWeb
- The Feature Thief, part four: iPhoto and Aperture
- The Feature Thief, conclusion: AppleWorks and the lessons learned
- What is my Screen Resolution
- Intel’s Gordon Moore talks about the genesis, legacy, and end of Moore’s law
- Duet: the first app that allows you to use your iDevice as an extra display for your Mac using the Lightning or 30-pin cable.
- The Evolution of the Web
- Google World Wonders
- Tim Cook on the fight for equality
- Truth Facts: Photography Now and Then
- iPhone Lightning Dock
- New MacBook Pro with Force Touch trackpad
- How to create good queries in Yosemite’s Spotlight