The next Mini’app’les meeting is Tuesday, December 15th, the third Tuesday of the month, at the Hackfactory (3119 E. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406). At 6:30 p.m., members of the board and other knowledgable people will be available if you have specific questions you would like answered. We will do our best to address your question and help you troubleshoot the issue.
At 7:00 p.m., we will look at the new feature (or perhaps the return of the feature) of extensions for Photos. When Apple discontinued iPhotos and Aperture and introduced Photos, Photos didn’t have some of the features that Aperture users were used to using. One of those was extensions, which users were able to add to Aperture to expand its capabilities. With 10.11, Apple added that option to Photos. We will cover a number of useful extensions for Photos and what they add to editing pictures within photos.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Meeting Notes & Links
- 13 Million MacKeeper Users Exposed
- Why are Apple MacBooks more reliable?
- A smarter home: My second try at the Internet of things
- Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame
- The iPad I Left Behind
- Craig Federighi discusses open sourcing Swift on the Talk Show
- Galavant season one currently free on iTunes
- Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock
- Orzly Night-Stand for Apple Watch
- Smart Battery Case for iPhone 6s review
- How to Quickly Flush the RAM on Your iPhone
- Travelling Indonesia With an iPhone 6S
- The iPhone can use the Lightning to USB adapter with iOS 9.2
- Adobe’s Record Revenue Proves Successful Business Transformation Is Possible
- Exposure X – Lightroom alternative
- PowerPhotos – Photos Library Manager