The next Mini’app’les meeting is Tuesday, August 16th, the third Tuesday of the month, at the Hackfactory (3119 E. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406). At 6:30 p.m., members of the board and other knowledgable people will be available if you have specific questions you would like answered. We will do our best to address your question and help you troubleshoot the issue.
Over the summer, I bet you have taken lots of pictures, some with your iPhone, some with a DSLR or a point and shoot camera. At 7:00 p.m., we will talk about how we each organize, edit, and keep track of those pictures. Apple’s Photos is available, but there are other options and features out there. We will look at some of those options and what the pros and cons are for them.
We look forward to seeing you there.