Mini’app’les Topic Meeting, Tuesday June 18 at 6:00 p.m.

Automation Series Part 2: Hazel
Next up in our Automation Series is Hazel. Touted as simply “Automated Organization for Your Mac”. Hazel runs in the background and watches whatever folders you tell it to and automatically runs rules you create. These rules can do things like move files around based on criteria like name, date, or type. But you can go even further with Hazel’s powerful pattern matching.
We will first overview the basics of how Hazel works and then look at some more complex workflows.
Tuesday, June 18
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Southdale Library (2nd Floor Conference Room)
7001 York Ave S, Edina, MN 55435
Google Maps / Apple Maps
Zoom conference room
Please email [email protected] to request the meeting link or RSVP on Meetup and it will become visible.
Mini’app’les Social and Q&A Meeting, Tuesday June 4 at 7:00 p.m.

Social and Q&A Meeting
Come join us for a virtual social and Q&A meeting! There is no set topic and you can come and go as you want. You can also bring any questions or problems you have that you’ve been wrestling with.
Tuesday, June 4
7:00 – 8:00 PM
Zoom conference room
Please email [email protected] to request the meeting link or RSVP on Meetup and it will become visible.
Mini’app’les Topic Meeting – May 21 – Notes & Links

Automation Series Part 1: Shortcuts
Shortcuts Info and Download Sites
- Shortcuts User Guide – Apple Support
- Shortcuts Archive – MacStories
- RoutineHub • Your Community for Discovering, Sharing, and Version Controlling Apple Shortcuts
- Shortcuts Library – Matthew Cassinelli
Shortcut Management
- RoutineHub • SafariMastr
- URL Cleaner
- RoutineHub • Shorten URL
- Share Long URL
- RoutineHub • View Source
Photos & Videos
Mini’app’les Topic Meeting, Tuesday May 21 at 6:00 p.m.

Automation Series Part 1: Shortcuts
This month we are kicking off our Automation Series! First up we will cover Apple’s Shortcuts app.
What’s a shortcut? A shortcut is a quick way to get one or more tasks done with your apps. The Shortcuts app lets you create your own shortcuts with multiple steps. For example, build a “Surf Time” shortcut that grabs the surf report, gives an ETA to the beach, and launches your surf music playlist.
We will first overview some basics and then dig into some more powerful shortcuts.
Tuesday, May 21
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Southdale Library (2nd Floor Conference Room)
7001 York Ave S, Edina, MN 55435
Google Maps / Apple Maps
Zoom conference room
Please email [email protected] to request the meeting link or RSVP on Meetup and it will become visible.